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WEB 3?

what for...?

Halfwish uses the familiar gold and gems model seen in modern video games, except its premium currency HWAT will be onchain and fully tradable, allowing players to be part of the supply and demand of the game's premium economy.

That's it!

Web2 only players can play and progress the game normally. It's absolutely optional.

Here's how (and why) we are doing it:

Messy Tabletop of Coins.png

It's all about HWAT

(or Halfwish Authora Token)

HWAT is the premium currency of the game and will exist on-chain. HWAT's total supply is fixed.

HWAT Final.png

Unlock Chests

Player Marketplace

Buy discounted HPM (Gold)

Enter Scaling Modes


Earn FROM:

Early Bird participation

Scaling Modes


Most assets found in game can then be listed on our web 3
as NFTs.

You can also trade HWAT tokens with other Web 3 players.

want this system because it gives players a meaningful way to convert their playtime while also giving weight to rare items and currency won in Risk-To-Earn modes.

Our team will sometimes organise seasonal NFT sales that feature items with unique collectible traits

**These functions aren't live yet, but we will be rolling out test periods where players can mess around before we reset everything for our launch!**


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